Nowadays Mag Spark is the simplest and most natural way to produce electricity using two important phisycs principles: gas evaporation and expansion.
Mag Spark electricity generator for working needs the same natural strategy that moves the Universe.
Rules are clear: using directly and simply the resources, reliability and immediate effects. Heat is the Energy that expands gas and following those physical effects Magspark permits the heat transormation into electricity energy using few simple steps manageable everywhere.
It's strategically important that nowadays thanks to Mag Spark, streets, freeways and squares can produce energy and distribute it in a simply and economic way. Also fireplaces, ovens, incinerators, etc ... can become electricty energy production points with Mag Spark.
Mag Spark applications have got great economic expectations, especially within electricity cars and mobility industry: today around every vehicle can have Mag Spark for its electricity energy needs.
Mag Spark generates electricty chemically too, thanks to the well known phenomenon of fizz, this means that recharging the electrical vehicle could be done also without the main electrical supply. Chemically Electricity recharge does not release toxic elements, at the same time it permits the energy transportation as solid element combined with water, so making inadvisable the use of hydrocarbons.
Mag Spark electricity generator for working needs the same natural strategy that moves the Universe.
Rules are clear: using directly and simply the resources, reliability and immediate effects. Heat is the Energy that expands gas and following those physical effects Magspark permits the heat transormation into electricity energy using few simple steps manageable everywhere.
It's strategically important that nowadays thanks to Mag Spark, streets, freeways and squares can produce energy and distribute it in a simply and economic way. Also fireplaces, ovens, incinerators, etc ... can become electricty energy production points with Mag Spark.
Mag Spark applications have got great economic expectations, especially within electricity cars and mobility industry: today around every vehicle can have Mag Spark for its electricity energy needs.
Mag Spark generates electricty chemically too, thanks to the well known phenomenon of fizz, this means that recharging the electrical vehicle could be done also without the main electrical supply. Chemically Electricity recharge does not release toxic elements, at the same time it permits the energy transportation as solid element combined with water, so making inadvisable the use of hydrocarbons.